Give the gift of curious attention

Are you celebrating a holiday that involves the giving of presents? If you're not, you're still surrounded by the decorations and the advertising and the events. It's a good time to think about what it takes to give a good gift. Is a good gift the thing you that someone asks you to give, the thing that they want but won't ask you to give, the surprise they might not know they want until you give it? Photo Credit: Asenat29, Flickr Here's the gift that grows all the other good gifts, the gift that changes a hit-and-miss process into a sure thing. It's the gift of curious attention. Giving a present begins in being present. This should be automatic, but we often go a very long time without being curious about the people we love. We make a lot of assumptions based on how things have always been. This year, be present to someone and be curious about what they feel and how they think and what matters to them. Think of a time you first met someone who lat...