The most powerful communication doesn't happen at a microphone

Isn't it curious? There are many, many resources that will teach you to present better. An alien who landed on earth might assume that powerful communication is formal communication. When it really matters, it would seem that one person presented and a group listened until somehow a decision was made or action happened. This would be a reasonable assumption, but it would be dramatically inaccurate. Most of the communication with power does not occur in presentations. It occurs in the conversations around the edges of presentations. It occurs in less formal, less predictable contexts. When has someone taught you how to make conversation in a way that protects the integrity of your message while making room for collaboration or negotiation? It has probably happened, but not a in a classroom or training room. It has happened when a mentor says, "next time, try this." The truth might be that we research the things for which we can design research studies, and we teach ...