Where to find a unicorn in a pandemic

Have you been feeling the need for a unicorn lately? A mythical creature of healing and hope that magically appears to right wrongs and detoxify with a touch of its horn? I wonder if you would recognize a unicorn when it appeared. You might say, "it's just a horse, or a trick, or I saw it wrong." Four days a week, I meet with two 5-year old friends and we make crafts and tell stories by Zoom. It takes about ten hours a week to do the Zooms and prepare stories and crafts, and most of those hours come out of the middle of my day. We sometimes call the middle of something the heart. At the heart of my days is a five year old giggling. In that moment, all is well. That's a unicorn. If you need a unicorn, be one. The girls' moms think I am giving them the most amazing gift by showing up for their kids in the middle of the day (and letting their moms get one work call in without an interruption). They think that I am the unicorn. But I know that in the middle of ...