Chris and Michelle have a new baby daughter

Chris and Michelle welcomed Abby Lee Keeler into the world at 9:40 last night. She was 7 lbs 7 oz, has dark hair and bright eyes and is absolutely lovely. Everyone is fine and healthy and glowing with the joy of the moment.

Look at someone today and imagine that person as a newborn, freshly come into the world and completely miraculous. Hold that picture and the person as s/he is today in your thoughts at the same time without trying to make sense (or a moral!) out of the differences. Then look at the person again, this time as if you were newborn yourself, learning for the first time what faces mean.

We all know that we learn through patterns, by noticing what is the same as what we already know and adding something to that. How do we learn the first thing, that one thing that allows the chain to begin and every new bit of learning to be added to that?

Baby questions.


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