Asking great questions

I have been talking to people who are thinking about taking the training we offer. They ask, "What will this do for me?" The real answer to that question is "How would I know enough about you to know how this will change the intricate system of your life?" The real answer is not very satisfying, so I explain how the work we do will be related to some of the things they are willing to say they want (which is only tenuously related to why they will take the training or what they really do want).

Other people ask me: "How has NLP changed your life?" I think a little, and give them answers that are true to my experience, although not always precisely what they want to hear. My life has changed a little, and it has changed radically (right down at the roots). Yet my life was rich and full and curious and challenging before I found NLP. So NLP has not made sweeping changes in my life, and I am very glad of that.

The question no one asks, and I wish someone would ask, is "Why do you love what you do?"

The question no one asks, and I wish someone would ask, is "Why will I love this training?"


To answer the question, I would have to know something about you and which training, specifically, we were talking about. Yesterday, I trained from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. At the end of the day, participants were smiling, standing straight, and talking with energy and enthusiasm. Twelve hours of work left them relaxed and ready. That's why I love the training: it demonstrates that we can work and grow within a model where that creates energy instead of draining it.

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