this is how spring flies by

It's been a full week since my last post, a week of teaching and meetings and working on new programs.  A good week.  We often say that - it's been a good week since. . . and that means that in some way the time that has passed seems substantial.

When do you know that the work week has been a good week?  For most of us "week" signifies a unit of work as much as a unit of time.  Week-days are the days when we work and week-ends are somehow time taken out of the week so that we can have time away from work.  Many of those who work weekends find, as I find, that the week is all work. It's hard to step away from work on a week day.

The reward for time off during the week is the delicious sense of playing hooky - of being out of school while others toil at desks.

In spring, a good week is a paradox: long days make it easier to work long days and yet the days also feel longer because we sense that we should be free to escape work so that we can get out into the sunshine.  Warmth in spring feels like a nutrient - as necessary as air or food to our thriving.  The stakes for work are raised when play calls so loudly.

This is Friday. I hope your week was good. 


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