Twelve Days of Christmas

This year, we had friends for dinner on the 20th, which became a sort of 1st day of Christmas for us. While we have not been out or entertaining every day since then, we have had company for dinner twice more, drop-in guests, eaten out, had a birthday feast, and gone to the movies as a family.

Twelve days is a lot of celebrating. Partly because celebrating involves a lot of work - shopping, cleaning, cooking, cleaning, serving, cleaning. But partly because twelve days is a long time to step away from satisfying work and pleasing routines. I love my sons and I am glad to have them home. But I will confess that I am a little weary of needing to make each day special. I am ready to eat simple foods and watch television and go to the gym. More than that, I am ready to get back to work.

Work is never far away - this blog is evidence of that. This week has tempted me with quiet morning hours at my laptop (young men on vacation don't wake up much before noon). I have been reading again, and planning courses, and writing a little. I have been dreaming dreams and thinking. I have been waking up to how much I want to immerse myself in the work I do.

I have been missing my work people.

Tomorrow is the twelfth day of my Christmas and the last day of this year. It's the final day of my blog challenge. In the morning, I will write my 500th post, and then get back to work on course descriptions and web site writing and the newsletter. It's almost time. All twelve days of Christmas have been lovely. I am glad I connected with family and friends and grateful for the beauty and abundance we have shared.

And soon I will be glad and grateful to relax back into work.


Intereasting slant on NLP I attended a NLP Training course in Milton Keynes and found the subject fascinating...never though of using NLP in this way.

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