Here's to a Life Well Lived in 2013

When people ask me what NLP is, I tell them what the words mean and then I tell them what we do at NLP Canada Training. The two things overlap, of course, but they are not the same.

Neurolinguistic programming means combining experience with language in patterns to produce tangible, predictable results. NLP offers a set of practices for using the natural processes of the brain to accelerate learning and decision making.  The work we do at NLP Canada Training gives people improved flexibility in determining what they want and communicating in ways that help them get it.

And, what does that get them?

If you practice NLP, you'll recognize the question.  The answer is why NLP Canada Training is a special place and why it matters where you choose to study NLP.  The people who love our training are people who want to stretch and grow and have a sustainable, positive impact. They are people in the process of shaping a life well-lived.

We all choose different paths to get there, but the people in our community share a desire to take what they have been given and grow it, shape it, make it better. They look at other people and see resourcefulness and possibility. They look at their own lives and goals and dig deeper to find what they need in themselves. At the end of each day, they are people who care that they lived that day wide awake and on purpose.

In the end, all the goals come back to that one goal: a life well-lived.

As I look around this Christmas, I am grateful for every person who came into a training this year looking for one more way to make good choices, one more way to connect through their words and voices, one more way to support the determination to reach their goals. I am grateful for the laughter, the challenges, and the discipline of the work.  I am grateful for clients who are smart and brave and accomplished and determined to be even better.

I am grateful for work that has taught me that every person is remarkable. Every week, I am privileged to be part of the way someone is choosing to shape a life well lived.

As we move into 2013, my best wish for all of you is that you discover work that inspires you as my work does me. May every week bring you new opportunities to explore and appreciate a life well lived.


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