Moving beyond NLP to incorporate new models for positive change

As 2014 approaches, I am aware that I must soon sit down and put together my year end video. It's often a little unnerving to look ahead, especially since by the end of December I am tired and ready to climb into a burrow for some quiet alone time. I think winter brings that out in a lot of people.

My job is to tempt people out of their burrows so that they forget to think about being comfortable and think instead about what could engage their full attention in a way that is satisfying and productive. Life is less about being and more about doing and I work to get people very busy being more fully alive. This means that I only get to retreat into a burrow when it is to be very engaged with deep, internal process that will eventually break through to cause more action.

I have been reading other people's NLP practitioner manuals and guides, and I still believe that everything I teach is compatible with the best in NLP practice. Not everything is the best, and not everything is necessary. Our processes at NLP Canada Training have been streamlined to work in the spirit of NLP and with practices that resonate with observations of how people work at their best. I read science, business and the arts to find multiple descriptions of people who are fully engaged in satisfying lives and work. What I find, I bring back for discussion and exploration with training partners and a community.

This means that some people in NLP would not recognize what we do, and others would recognize the skills but not the means by which we are developing them. That's what it means to be on the leading edge: no one else has the clarity that comes with looking back at the work you do. It's harder than being in the middle of the pack, doing work "that all others could understand or share" (to paraphrase my favourite poet).

When you train with me, I cannot draw neat lines between my training in metaphor and story, narrative therapy techniques (themselves derived from story techniques), NLP, solution focused brief coaching, the Enneagram and interesting thinking from behavioural economics, psychology and business. My job is not academic: I am not interested in generating theory. I am continuously, restlessly engaged in tweaking the perceptions of those around me so that they become more engaged, more innovative, and more energized.

So my year in 2014 is likely to be about fighting for more clarity about how to grow my business by reaching more people who, like me, are tempted to burrow down for quiet but are willing to reach out for the ideas and perceptions that have the power to stir them to action.


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