Are you asking for what you want?

We're all good at knowing what we don't want. Often our anxiety to avoid problems and pain is so present that it drives our communication. We tell people what we don't want.

What changes when we get better at simply defining or describing what we do want? We experiment with this every time we run a program at NLP Canada Training. We start by asking two questions:

  1. What do you want to change because you came to this program?
  2. What do you want to be true of the group today?
Here are the answers from our recent practitioner retreat. It was a full day gathering to explore rhythm as an aspect of leadership.

The words at the top described what they wanted for themselves and the words at the bottom described what they wanted from the day.  You can compare them to the words they used at the end of the day to describe their experience.

On the one hand, this is nice feedback on the program we ran. On the other, it's a demonstration of the difference it can make when you decide what you want and describe it clearly to the people who can help you get it. 


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