Focus + Fun + Friends = Energy

Do you have enough energy to do everything you need to do every day? Most of us would reply "yes" from between clenched teeth, and mean "obviously I get it done so I must have enough energy." Or we would be honest and say "I don't have enough energy to get it all done and feel good."

It's hard to manage your time if you are not managing your energy. You need to monitor which activities give you energy and which ones drain it. You probably already know what drains you, but you might not have thought beyond napping when it comes to finding the energy you need to enjoy your life.

Here's a formula to consider: focus + fun + friends = energy.  It means that anytime you are focused on a task that involves laughter and a satisfying social connection, you're likely to be energized. This is true for extraverts, and it's also true for introverts. When we are focused on getting something done with people we like in a state that includes laughter, we create energy.

Some of your activities will be energy sinks. You'll have to do them alone even though it's hard to focus and not much fun.  You'll have to sit through the meeting that lacks fun and focus. You'll hang out for an evening that has fun and friends but not much focus. There are some good reasons for being engaged in ways that don't produce energy for you.

If you build opportunities for focus + fun + friends into your schedule on a regular basis, you'll find you have more energy for tackling the situations that drain you. You'll also find you're more motivated, more focused, and more satisfied.


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