Simple joys are sensible solutions

What do you do when you are tired and overwhelmed and your to-do list is so long that you can't face writing it all down?

Sometimes I go for a walk. I trust experience (and quite a lot of science) that suggests that I will get more done if I recharge first. And then I walk away from the computer and find some trees. If I can find some water too, that's even better.

I still hear the voices in my head that tell me I don't have time and I should work harder. I don't really fight them - it's like fighting construction noise. I just let them make sounds in the background until I stop noticing them. 

I walk until I feel my muscles loosen and my thoughts unwind and I realize that my number one priority is not the top thing on my list: my number one priority is to remember to live each day as well as I can. 

The voices in my head will kick up a fuss when I get back from my walk. But I'll be ready to calm them then.

Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. I couldn't resist the alliteration in the title. Please remember it's okay to have fun while you work.


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