Celebration is a choice, not a calendar alarm

I made all the cookies in the picture, although I had some help decorating the gingerbread men. From the frenzy of your holiday, year-end preparations, you might look at this and think "there's someone with a lot of time on her hands."

In fact, I don't have much time. this year, I decided to make some. I made it by making cookies, by volunteering, by wrapping presents, by spending a half day being a tourist to enjoy Christmas in my own city. I made time, knowing that there is business to be done and that I will be up far too late getting all my marking done before January 3. I did it because this year, I am choosing celebration.

Are you old enough to have forgotten how many days you worked too late, got up too early, and ached with the fatigue of carrying everyone else's expectations?  Me, too. This year, I am choosing celebration.

You can choose celebration, too. You can choose to do one thing today just because it brings back a good memory or makes you feel good. It's starts with just one thing.

Like a cup of tea and one lovely homemade shortbread cookie.


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