Managing through confusion, chaos and January

How's your new year going? Mine is starting with chaos. Family situations that take endless energy and tons of time. A big month for training combined with the need to upgrade bookkeeping and phone systems. The software I use to manage my website just crashed: possibly permanently.

Of course, I'm frazzled. But I'm optimistic. Deliberately optimistic. I keep refocusing on what I have and figuring out how to handle what I need. I take my vitamins and get some sleep and start again. This is not because I'm smart and strong. It's because I have been deliberately building resilience for the past 17 years.

If you feel overwhelmed, know that you can learn to manage what you need to manage. Life happens to all of us, even when we're well-prepared. When we practice managing frustration and fatigue and too many emotions, we don't avoid them. We just deal with them. The people who study with me at NLP Canada Training want more satisfying lives. They have been through storms and they have stood at crossroads and not known which way to pick. They are determined to build up the strengths to be ready the next time the situation gets tough.

You don't need to be a star. You don't need to shine big. You need to shine just enough light to see your next step. You can do that. You can take the energy you use to worry, to freak out, to lose it with your friends, and you can redirect it. It takes good information, strong processes and lots of practice. The payoff is self respect and the ability to stay the course when you hit the big bumps.

January has been chaos for me. But it has also held opportunity, and steps forward, and some amazing moments of joy. I will remember enough of the difficulties to learn what I need. And I will remember the joy because it's the fuel that keeps me running.

If you're struggling, take one small step. And breathe. You've got what it takes to make it to your next good choice.


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