Are you waiting or are you growing?

Have you been stuck in a waiting room for the past three months, or have you been building something? The lockdown has changed a lot of things, but it hasn't change this basic choice. We are always either circling or growing. Usually when we are circling, we are running from one thing we know to another in a cycle. Other people look and see busy. We see busy. But that doesn't always mean growth. It can mean wearing a rut in our thinking.

The lockdown grabbed us by the shoulders and said "sit still." It felt like being plunked into a room and being told "wait here." Wait for the news that will change your life. Wait for the principal. Wait for the dentist's drill. Kill time until you get back to your real life.

Many people were already living in the waiting room. They were hoping something would change around them, that something would  open up new possibilities. But their minds kept running in the same patterns, so they kept seeing and doing the same things.  Change has to start with challenging what you think you know. 

I wrote this new book for people who are determined to keep growing. They refuse to wait: they are in the waiting room writing and listening to podcasts and observing their own reactions so they can decide which to keep and which to change. There are many places they would rather be, but that's not the point. The point is to live the best life they can in this moment and prepare to do the same tomorrow.

Is that your point? Are you tired of waiting for your real life to begin? You can't change the weather or the lockdown or the economy on your own. What you can do is find the willpower and process you need to keep growing. Your choices haven't really changed: you can do more of the same or you can make difference happen.


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